
Entry #1
Pronunciation: nam2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to think (about something)
    (Cant.) ni1go3man6tai4ngo5nam2zo2hou2noi6dou3ji4gaa1dou1mei6jau5daap3on3
    (Eng.) I've been thinking about this question for a while, but I still haven't got an answer yet.
    (Cant.) nam2m4dou2mai6nam2dou3nam2dou2wai4zi2lo1
    (Eng.) If you cannot figure out the answer, just keep thinking until you figure it out.
    (Cant.) nei5hai2dou6nam2gan2mat1je5aa3
    (Eng.) What are you thinking about?

  • to think; to guess; to believe
    (Cant.) ngo5nam2ting1jat6ho2nang4wui5lok6jyu5
    (Eng.) I think it is going to rain tomorrow.

Synonym: Synonym: 思考 認為
See also: 覺得 認為 看 猜測 揣測 認定 相信 心諗
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