
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng1 seon3
Character Meaning:
photograph; each other; one another; mutual; reciprocal; picture; snapshot; appearance; divination; assist; minister; civil officer; phase
letter; believe; mail; to believe; to trust; to profess faith in; to believe in; promise
Part of Speech: verb
  • to believe (that something is true); to have faith in
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng1seon3keoi5m4wui5aak1ngo5
    (Eng.) I believe that he will not lie to me.
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng1seon3ngo5wui5sing4gung1
    (Eng.) I believe I will succeed.

  • to trust; to believe in
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng1seon3keoi5
    (Eng.) I trust her/him.

  • to think; to feel
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng1seon3gam1maan5wui5lok6jyu5
    (Eng.) I think it's gonna rain tonight.
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng1seon3daai6gaa1jing1goi1zi1dou3go3siu1sik1laa3
    (Eng.) I believe everyone should have heard the news.

See also: 認定 諒 信賴 信任 覺得 認為 看 事實上 堅信 心中有數 心知肚明 深信 深信不疑 無可否認 無論如何 確信 肯定 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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