
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waa6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to say; to talk; to tell
    (Cant.) 譬如話pei3 jyu4 waa6
    (Eng.) let's say; for example
    (Cant.) jat6zi2ding6hou2zo2ngo5zoi3waa6nei5zi1
    (Eng.) I'll tell you when the date is fixed.
    (Cant.) keoi5waa6m4soeng2heoi3haang4gaai1wo5
    (Eng.) He said he didn't want to go shopping.
    (Cant.) daai6gaa1waa6jiu3ci4sap6fan1zung1
    (Eng.) They said they would be late for ten minutes.
    (Cant.) jau5mou5jan4waa6gwo3nei5hou2ci5lam4fung1
    (Eng.) Has anyone told you that you look like Raymond Lam?

  • to scold mildly; to blame
    (Cant.) nei5m4hou2seng4jat6waa6nei5sai3lou2laa1keoi5dou1hou2gwaai1gaa3laak3
    (Eng.) Would you not scold your younger brother so often? He's already quite well-behaved.
    (Cant.) aa3zai2seng4jat6gam3je6faan1uk1kei2nei5zou6baa4baa1waa6haa5keoi5laa1
    (Eng.) Our son often comes home late. You are his father, you should discipline him.

  • to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that
    (Cant.) 計我話gai3 ngo5 waa6
    (Eng.) in my opinion
    (Cant.) nei5waa6hou2m4hou2aa3
    (Eng.) What do you think? Is it good?
    (Cant.) ngo5waa6keoi5jat1ding6hai6zyun1dang1ge3
    (Eng.) I think he did it on purpose!

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 心存 責罵 咎 吩咐 表述 訴 單聲 謂
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: waa2 waa6
Part of Speech: noun
(Cant.) 鬼話
(Eng.) nonsense
(Cant.) keoi5ni1di1sin1giu3人話jan4 waa2
(Eng.) What he said is fair and reasonable.
(Cant.) keoi5ge3waa6nei5dou1m4teng1nei5hai6m4hai6soeng2sei2
(Eng.) Disobeying him could have serious consequences.
See also: 直截了當 演講 演説
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License