
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng5
Part of Speech: verb
  • to go up; to move upwards
    (Cant.) 上樓soeng5 lau2
    (Eng.) to go upstairs
    (Cant.) 上山soeng5 saan1
    (Eng.) to go up the mountain
    (Cant.) soeng5din6tai1
    (Eng.) to go up the elevator
    (Cant.) 上牀soeng5 cong4
    (Eng.) to go to bed

  • to board; to get on a vehicle
    (Cant.) bai6soeng5co3ce1tim1
    (Eng.) Oops, I got on the wrong bus!
    (Cant.) nei5tai2cing1co2jau5di1me1m4daai3dak1soeng5fei1gei1wo3
    (Eng.) Check carefully what you can't bring on a plane.

  • to go ahead; to forge ahead
    (Cant.) faai3di1soeng5se6laam2laa3
    (Eng.) Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!
    (Cant.) hing1dai6ngo5dei6jat1cai4soeng5
    (Eng.) Guys, let's go! Attack!

  • to go to mainland China, which lies to the north of Hong Kong
    (Cant.) soeng5sam1zan3
    (Eng.) to go to Shenzhen
    (Cant.) soeng5ging1
    (Eng.) to go to the capital; to go to Beijing

  • to fill; to supply
    (Cant.) 上貨soeng5 fo3
    (Eng.) to fill the stock
    (Cant.) 上彈soeng5 daan2
    (Eng.) (of guns) to load

  • to serve a dish
    (Cant.) go3gang1ho2m4ho2ji5soeng5zo2sin1
    (Eng.) Can you serve up the thick soup now?

  • to install; to place something into position
    (Cant.) soeng5bo1lei1
    (Eng.) to fix the glass

  • to attend class
    (Cant.) 上堂soeng5 tong4
    (Eng.) to attend a lesson
    (Cant.) soeng5hing3ceoi3baan1
    (Eng.) to attend an interest class
    (Cant.) soeng5gwong2dung1waa2
    (Eng.) to attend a Cantonese language class

  • to appear on mass media
    (Cant.) soeng5din6si6
    (Eng.) to appear on TV

  • to wind; to screw; to tighten
    (Cant.) soeng5lo4si1
    (Eng.) to screw
    (Cant.) hau2lo4si1mou5soeng5sat6
    (Eng.) The screw hasn't been tightened.

  • (in mahjong) to form a run of three sequential tiles of the same suit by picking up an unwanted tile from the previous player sitting to your left

  • a polite term used at the end of a letter to indicate who the sender is
    (Cant.) can4siu2ming4soeng5
    (Eng.) Yours faithfully, Chan Siu-ming

See also: 升 上漲 上去
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: soeng6
Part of Speech: noun
(Cant.) paan1saan1tyun4deoi2nou5lik6hoeng3soeng6paa4loeng5siu2si4hau6sing4gung1paa4soeng5saan1deng2
(Eng.) The climbers scaled the mountain and reached the peak after two hours.
(Cant.) go3zai3hai2waa2min2ge3jau6soeng6gok3
(Eng.) The button is on the upper right-hand corner.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License