
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cung1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to rush towards a direction; to dash forward; usually an abrupt event
    (Cant.) 衝紅燈cung1 hung4 dang1
    (Eng.) to disobey the traffic signals; to jump red lights
    (Cant.) 衝黃燈cung1 wong4 dang1
    (Eng.) (of vehicles) to go through a yellow traffic light
    (Cant.) cung1ceot1maa5lou6
    (Eng.) to run onto the road
    (Cant.) cung1po3zoeng3ngoi6
    (Eng.) to break through barriers
    (Cant.) ging2caat3cung1jap6dung6daai6haa6gau3zo2ng5go3jan4zi3
    (Eng.) The police rushed into the building and saved five hostages.
    (Cant.) keoi5hou2ci5zi1zin3gam2cung1zo2soeng5heoi3
    (Eng.) He dashed forward like an arrow.
    (Cant.) gaa3siu2baa1cung1lok6heoi3cung1dak1gam3faai3nei5dou1mai5waa6m4geng1
    (Eng.) The minibus rushed downhill so fast that it was quite scary.

  • figuratively, to react or appear speedily
    (Cant.) 狗衝gau2 cung1
    (Eng.) to appear quickly yet indecently; literally: to dog-rush
    (Cant.) cung1ceot1lai4cat6
    (Eng.) to react fast and stupidly
    (Cant.) deoi1fu6min2ping4jyu5hai6gam2cung1ceot1lai4
    (Eng.) A batch of negative comments keep emerging suddenly.

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