
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faa1
Part of Speech: noun
  • flower; blossom (measure word: 朵 / 枝 / 盆 / 束 / 紮)
    (Cant.) hai6neoi5zai2dou1zung1ji3faa1gaa3laa1
    (Eng.) Every girl loves flowers.

  • star-shaped pip in the insignia of an army officer or a higher-ranked police officer (measure word: 粒)
    (Cant.) bok3tau4jau5faa1ge3gan1ngo5jap6fong2
    (Eng.) All officers with pips on their shoulder, follow me inside.

See also: 花朵 貌美如花 開花 綻放
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: faa1
Part of Speech: verb
to use up; to spend
(Cant.) faa1sam1gei1
(Eng.) to take effort
(Cant.) faa1si4gaan3
(Eng.) to spend time
(Cant.) ngo5m4soeng2zoi3faa1si4gaan3hai2nei5san1soeng6
(Eng.) I don't want to spend time on you!
See also: 花費 度過
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Entry #3
Pronunciation: faa1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • coloured; multicoloured
    (Cant.) ni1tiu4kwan4hou2faa1aa3
    (Eng.) This skirt is very colourful!

  • disorderly; messy
    (Cant.) hou2faa1aa3tai2dou3ngaan5dou1lyun6saai3
    (Eng.) Wow, this is sensory overload! I can't see things in this chaos.

  • scratched
    (Cant.) nei5faai3geng3pin2faa1zo2
    (Eng.) Your glasses are scratched.

  • dirty
    (Cant.) 花面貓faa1 min6 maau1
    (Eng.) dirty face
    (Cant.) bung6coeng4bei2baan1baak3jim3sing1waak6faa1saai3
    (Eng.) The wall was painted on by those naughty kids.

  • having a bad past history or record
    (Cant.) nei5go3dai2hou2faa1wo3
    (Eng.) Your record is very poor!

See also: 七彩 色素 花花碌碌 五顏六色 花碌碌 斑斕 雜亂 凌亂 紊亂 撈絞 立立亂 混亂 繚繑 揩親 𢯎痕 揩花
Copyrights:© 2019 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: faa1
Part of Speech: affix
  • suffix to mean any product to be completed for advance sale
    (Cant.) 樓花lau4 faa1
    (Eng.) pre-sale uncompleted flat
    (Cant.) syu1faa1
    (Eng.) pre-sale book to be finished
    (Cant.) zau2faa1
    (Eng.) pre-sale wine to be delivered at a specific time

  • suffix related to a female
    (Cant.) 校花haau6 faa1
    (Eng.) belle of a school; literally 'school flower'
    (Cant.) 霸王花baa3 wong4 faa1
    (Eng.) fierce woman
    (Cant.) 交際花gaau1 zai3 faa1
    (Eng.) hostess

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