
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haai1 faa1
Character Meaning:
to be spread with; to be daubed with; to rub; to slightly touch
flower; to spend; blossom; to use up; coloured; multicoloured; disorderly; messy; scratched; dirty
Part of Speech: verb
to leave mark on something by scraping or rubbing; to scratch
(Cant.) ngo5gaa3san1ce1lok6dei6m4gau3jat1go3jyut6zau6bei2jan4haai1faa1zo2
(Eng.) My new car was being scratched by others just after one month of purchase.
(Cant.) ngo5zoeng1cau1so2si4tung4bou6din6waa2fong3maai4jat1cai4m4gok3ji3haai1faa1zo2go3din6waa2mon1
(Eng.) I put my keys and phone together, and accidentally scratched the phone screen.
See also: 𢯎痕 搔 𢯎 揩親
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