
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hing3 ceoi3
Character Meaning:
joy; to develop; to rise; to prosper; to flourish; to thrive; popular; fashionable
interest; fun
Part of Speech: noun
  • hobby (measure word: 個 / 種)
    (Cant.) zaap6jau4hai6keoi5ge3hing3ceoi3
    (Eng.) His hobby is collecting stamps.

  • interest (in something)
    (Cant.) keoi5deoi3dei6zat1hok6hou2jau5hing3ceoi3
    (Eng.) He's had an interest in geology.
    (Cant.) ngo5deoi3bin1go3ming4sing1paak3to1fan1sau2jyun4cyun4mou5hing3ceoi3
    (Eng.) I have absolutely no interest in knowing which celebrity is dating or breaking up with someone.

  • interest (in doing something)
    (Cant.) jau5mou5hing3ceoi3jat1cai4heoi3leoi5hang4aa3
    (Eng.) Interested in going on a trip together?

See also: 嗜好 喜好 利益 趣味 好玩 好睇 同感 嗜好 好奇 好奇心 志趣 性趣 成功感 成就感 新鮮感 求知慾 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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