
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hou2 waan2
Character Meaning:
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
to play; to have fun with; to be unserious; to joke; to trifle with; to treat lightly
Part of Speech: adjective
amusing; interesting; funny
(Cant.) ni1gaa3gwo3saan1ce1hou2hou2waan2
(Eng.) It is a lot of fun to ride on this roller coaster!
(Cant.) ni1go3jau4hei3hou2hou2waan2gaa3
(Eng.) This game is really funny!
See also: 好笑 有趣 嗰濟 風趣 好睇 生鬼 過癮 卡通 滑稽 逗 利益 興趣 趣味 好事多磨 好仔 好恰 好樣 好笑 得意 搞笑 有意思 玩串 過癮 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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