
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gan2 zoeng1
Character Meaning:
tight; -ing (continuous); (rarely used) fast; strict; tense; stretched; not relaxed
to exaggerate; (measure); to open; to spread; to stretch; to magnify; to amplify; to look; to glance; sheet; photograph
Part of Speech: adjective
  • anxious; nervous; tense
    (Cant.) zau6faai3dou3ngo5soeng5toi4laak3ngo5zan1hai6hou2gan2zoeng1
    (Eng.) It will soon be my turn to be on stage. I'm really nervous.
    (Cant.) fong4bou6ging2caat3baau1wai4zyu6di1si6wai1ze2jin6coeng4hei3fan1hou2gan2zoeng1
    (Eng.) The anti-riot police have surrounded the protesters; the atmosphere is tense.

  • tight; of limited amount
    (Cant.) sek6jau4gung1jing3hou2gan2zoeng1
    (Eng.) The supply of petroleum is very tight.

See also: 慌張 閉翳 囉囉攣 焦躁 焦急 緊張大師 定當 慌慌失失 慌失失 騰雞 僵 捉實 劍拔弩張 坐立不安 尷尬 忐忑不安 急轉直下 焦急 着急 繃緊 著急 驚慌 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gan2 zoeng1
Character Meaning:
tight; -ing (continuous); (rarely used) fast; strict; tense; stretched; not relaxed
to exaggerate; (measure); to open; to spread; to stretch; to magnify; to amplify; to look; to glance; sheet; photograph
Part of Speech: verb
to worry about, to be concerned with the well being of somebody, to care
(Cant.) go3go3fu6mou5dou1gan2zoeng1zi6gei2zai2neoi2gaa3laa1
(Eng.) It is natural that all parents are concerned about their children.
(Cant.) ngo5gok3dak1nei5gan2zoeng1cin2do1gwo3gan2zoeng1ngo5lo1
(Eng.) I feel that you care more about money than me.
(Cant.) m4使sai2gam3gan2zoeng1sing4zik1
(Eng.) Don't worry about academic results too much.
See also: 劍拔弩張 坐立不安 尷尬 忐忑不安 急轉直下 焦急 着急 繃緊 著急 驚慌 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License