
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai3
Part of Speech: adjective
  • small; tiny; little
    (Cant.) sai3gaai3zan1hai6sai3aa3heoi3bin1dou1zong6dou3suk6jan4ge3
    (Eng.) What a small world. I run into people I know wherever I go.

  • young; youthful
    (Cant.) nei5zung6sai3m4ming4me1giu3sat1lyun2gaa3laa3
    (Eng.) You're still young. You don't know what breaking up is like.

  • weak; soft
    (Cant.) nei5gam3sai3seng1mou4jan4teng1dou2nei5gong2me1gaa3
    (Eng.) Your voice is too soft to be heard.

  • junior; subordinate members of an organisation
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6ni1di1zou6sai3ge3bin1jau5nang4lik6goi2bin3gung1si1ging1jing4caak3loek6aa1
    (Eng.) As members of the junior staff, we don't have any influence over the business strategies of the company.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 細小 迷你 渺小 幼小 少少 寡 年輕 幼 羔 嫩口
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