
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ging2 jin4
Character Meaning:
surprisingly; complete; unexpectedly; to finish; to accomplish; to complete
yet; but; however; nevertheless
Part of Speech: adverb
actually; unexpectedly; really
(Cant.) keoi5bat1daan1zi2ceng2ngo5jap6heoi3ging2jin4zung6ceng2ngo5jam2jat1bui1gaa3fe1tim1
(Eng.) He not only invited me in but actually offered me a cup of coffee.
(Cant.) keoi5zi1cin4jat1lou6dou1waa6hou2soeng2gin3haa5di1lou5pang4jau5gam1jat6ging2jin4m4ceot1jin6wo4
(Eng.) She's been saying she was looking forward to meeting old friends, it's quite a surprise that she doesn't show up today!
(Cant.) nei5ging2jin4m4zi1nei5maa4maa1gei2si4saang1jat6
(Eng.) You really don't know your mom's birthday?
See also: 實況 實際上 事實上 先 詎料 點知 出乎意料 居然 乍 堅揪 確實 的確 真是 唔知 不知所謂 依然故我 偏偏 原來 居然 怪不得 我見猶憐 明明 果然 殊不知 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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