
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bei3 syu1
Character Meaning:
secret; private; confidential; mysterious
book; letter; document; writing
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
  • secretary; personal assistant; administrative assistant; someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, arranging meetings and taking the minutes for a person or for an organisation (measure word: 個 / 位)
    (Cant.) ngo5go3bei3syu1hou2bong1dak1sau2
    (Eng.) My secretary is really helpful.

  • a role in an organization that deals with documents, secretarial and/or administrative matters
    (Cant.) #秘書處
    (Eng.) secretariat
    (Cant.) 秘書長
    (Eng.) secretary-general

See also: 總書記 秘書長 書記 場務 副手 副 助手 協助 輔助 倉務員 副職 助理 司理 接待員 祕書 祕書長 税務 訓導主任 資深大律師 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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