
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zik6 dou3
Character Meaning:
straight; not curved or bent; direct; straightforward; straightly; directly; vertically
to; so ... that; to the extent that; to a point that; until; up to; approximately; about; around; to arrive; to reach; to come; to be present; to go to; to leave for
Part of Speech: preposition
until; till; up to
(Cant.) ngo5soeng2tung4nei5coeng4soeng1si1sau2zik6dou3wing5jyun5
(Eng.) I want to be with you until the end of time.
(Cant.) zik6dou3gam1jat6fo1hok6gaa1dou1zung6mei6gaai2sik1dou2dim2gaai2hung2lung4wui5zyut6zung2
(Eng.) Even to this day, scientists are still struggling to explain why dinosaurs went extinct.
See also: 先 直至 止 以至 截至 之後 年卅晚 斷斷續續 於是乎 日復一日 直至 相安無事 終於 至到 開始 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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