
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dong1 dei6
Character Meaning:
as; consider; when; while; just at; to work as; to serve as; to undertake; to face; to be situated in; to consider; to treat as; to think of; to pawn an item; should; ought to; suitable; just
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
Part of Speech: pronoun
there; that place; a particular locality
(Cant.) dong1dei6si4gaan3
(Eng.) local time (literally: time at that place)
(Cant.) dong1dei6geoi1man4tau4sou3ging1soeng4sau6dou3cou3jam1zi1jiu2
(Eng.) Local residents complained about the nuisance caused by constant noises.
See also: 嗰度 那裏 該處 中國大陸 加拿大 國內 國外 尼日利亞 巴基斯坦 斯里蘭卡 新西蘭 菲律賓 馬來西亞 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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