
Entry #1
Pronunciation: duk6 laap6 duk6 lap6
Character Meaning:
single; alone; by oneself; sole; only
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
Part of Speech: adjective
independent; distinct
(Cant.) duk6laap6zai3pin2jan4
(Eng.) independent filmmaker
(Cant.) coi4zing3duk6laap6
(Eng.) financially independent
(Cant.) ni1gei2caak3syu1dou1hai6duk6laap6gu3si6lai4mou5me1gwaan1lin4m4jat1ding6jiu3seon6zeoi6tai2
(Eng.) These volumes are distinct stories, and are unrelated to each other. You don't have to read them in any particular order.
(Cant.) keoi5ji5cin4duk6gei3宿suk1hok6haau6gaa3so2ji5go3jan4hou2duk6laap6
(Eng.) She went to boarding school, so she grew up to be a very independent person.
See also: 鮮明 清晰 特有 三權分立 中華人民共和國 中非共和國 加泰隆尼亞 建國 政教合一 政治婚姻 聯合王國 自治領 自立 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: duk6 laap6 duk6 lap6
Character Meaning:
single; alone; by oneself; sole; only
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
Part of Speech: verb
to be independent by exercising sovereignty, usually with respect to countries, nations, states, etc.
(Cant.) sou1lyun4gaai2tai2zi1hau6hou2do1siu2gwok3dou1syun1bou3duk6laap6
(Eng.) After the Soviet Union collapsed, many countries declared independence.
See also: 三權分立 中華人民共和國 中非共和國 加泰隆尼亞 建國 政教合一 政治婚姻 聯合王國 自治領 自立 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License