
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dak6 bit6
Character Meaning:
special; exceptional; uncommon; extraordinary; specially; especially; particularly; exceptionally; remarkably; unusually
do not; other; to separate; to part; difference; distinction; to distinguish; to distinct; (imperative) do not; don't; fastened
Part of Speech: adjective
special; exceptional; out of the ordinary
(Cant.) keoi5hai6jat1go3hou2dak6bit6ge3neoi5zai2
(Eng.) She is a very special girl.
(Cant.) ni1go3gung1jyun2jau5me1gam3dak6bit6aa3
(Eng.) What makes this park so special?
See also: 刻意 特地 分外 特殊 特意 不得了 例外 特 出類拔萃 中規中矩 出類拔萃 分外 別開生面 感覺上 旁枝末節 相比之下 稱心滿意 與眾不同 除此之外 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: dak6 bit6
Character Meaning:
special; exceptional; uncommon; extraordinary; specially; especially; particularly; exceptionally; remarkably; unusually
do not; other; to separate; to part; difference; distinction; to distinguish; to distinct; (imperative) do not; don't; fastened
Part of Speech: adverb
particularly; especially; for a special purpose
(Cant.) keoi5hai2keoi5ge3zi2mui2dong1zung1dak6bit6cung1ming4
(Eng.) Among her sisters, she is particularly clever.
See also: 分外 格外 尤其係 中規中矩 出類拔萃 分外 別開生面 感覺上 旁枝末節 相比之下 稱心滿意 與眾不同 除此之外 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License