
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sap1 sing1
Character Meaning:
wet; damp; humid; soaked; to set somebody up; to frame
star; fragments; celebrity; asterisk; the symbol "*"
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
trivial; insignificant
(Cant.) gam3sap1sing1ge3je5dou1faan4dou2nei5zan1hai6m4hou2ji3si3
(Eng.) I'm sorry to bother you with such a trivial matter.
(Cant.) ni1paai4zou6je5hou2mong4aa3hou2do1sap1sing1je5jiu3gan1
(Eng.) I've been very busy lately, being overwhelmed by small, miscellaneous tasks.
(Cant.) aa3je4waa6ji5cin4fung4can1fong3gaa3dou1wui5heoi3daai6daat3dei2tai2haa5jau5mou5di1aam1jung6ge3sap1sing1je5maai5
(Eng.) Grandpa said he used to go to the flea market during holidays, to see whether he can find some useful handy stuffs.
Synonym: Synonym: 濕碎
See also: 無謂 無聊 細ngai1 小小 雞毛蒜皮 small potato 渺小
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