
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sap1 seoi3
Character Meaning:
wet; damp; humid; soaked; to set somebody up; to frame
smash; broken into pieces; smashed; shattered
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
  • trivial; bits and pieces; easy
    (Cant.) ji1gaa1m4hou2lei5di1sap1seoi3je5zyu6gaau2maai4di1zung6jiu3je5sin1
    (Eng.) Don't bother with those trivial things now. Let's deal with the important things first.

  • very small amount
    (Cant.) go2di1cin2gam3sap1seoi3m4hou2tung4ngo5gai3gaau3laa1
    (Eng.) That is only a very small amount of money. Please don't haggle over it.

Synonym: Synonym: 濕濕碎
See also: 無謂 濕星 無聊 細ngai1 小小 雜崩能 容易 安逸 順景 濕平 濕淋淋 濕滯 濕立立 硬崩崩 碎料 碎濕濕 穿櫃桶底 算死草 細眉細眼 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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