
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ping4 dei6
Character Meaning:
cheap; flat; at a low price; at a bargain price; level; even
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
Part of Speech: noun
flatland; plain (measure word: 片 / 笪)
(Cant.) 夷為平地ji4 wai4 ping4 dei6
(Eng.) to raze to the ground
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2saan1do1ping4dei6siu2
(Eng.) Hong Kong is a hilly city in which there are a few flat lands.
See also: 平原 樸素 儉樸 埔 一望無際 不毛之地 墳地 山嶽 平原 梯田 波地 荒地 走地 高樓大廈 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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