
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kau4 kei4
Character Meaning:
beg; to beg; to request; to strive for; to seek; to pray
he; his; her; its; their
Part of Speech: adjective
without strict requirements; without due diligence; carelessly; don't care; casually; whatever
(Cant.) kau4kei4gaau1caai1
(Eng.) to finish a task without due dilligence
(Cant.) kau4kei4wan2go3jan4ding2zyu6dong3sin1
(Eng.) Just pick any person as a temporary substitute.
(Cant.) kau4kei4laa1jau6m4gai3fan1ge2
(Eng.) Whatever. It doesn't count towards the final grade anyway.
Synonym: Synonym: 大意 得過且過 揦西 敷衍 是但 粗心 苟且 草率 輕率 隨便 馬虎
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 仔細 俾心機 嚴格 用心 細心 細緻 認真
See also: 隨便 hea 不慎 漫不經心 唔覺意 街坊裝 便 hea 乜嘢 隨得 凡事 橫九掂十 任何 唔湯唔水 好事多磨 好食懶飛 快手快腳 是但 有頭有尾 老老實實 食詐糊 飢不擇食 馬馬虎虎 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: kau4 kei4
Character Meaning:
beg; to beg; to request; to strive for; to seek; to pray
he; his; her; its; their
Part of Speech: adjective
careless; not serious; of a carefree attitude
(Cant.) nei5zou6je5m4hou2gam3kau4kei4laa3
(Eng.) Please don't do serious work with such a carefree attitude, alright?
Synonym: Synonym: 是但
See also: 揸流攤 大頭蝦 論盡 粗心大意 大意 笑笑口 唔緊要 柴娃娃 唔嗲唔吊 唔湯唔水 好事多磨 好食懶飛 快手快腳 是但 有頭有尾 老老實實 食詐糊 飢不擇食 馬馬虎虎 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License