
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sei2 gwai2
Character Meaning:
to die; inflexible; to fail; unable to coexist; fixed; rigid; stiff; same old same old; literally: damned; to malfunction; to break down; very; extremely; to insist; to be stubborn
ghost; spirit; traitor; the rat; joker; awful; dreadful
Part of Speech: distinguishing word
(of a person) late; dead; no longer alive
(Cant.) ngo5sei2gwai2lou5dau6cam4maan5bou3mung6bei2ngo5
(Eng.) My old man—god rest his soul—appeared to me in a dream last night.
See also: 後期 最近 死路 死人 死者 冤鬼 孤魂野鬼 死仔 死於非命 死狗 死蠢 白痴仔 衰鬼 要生要死 見光死 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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