「故 / 古」

Entry #1
  • gu2
  • gu2
Part of Speech: noun
story (measure word: 個 / 隻 / 段 / 篇)
(Cant.) 講故gong2 gu2
(Eng.) to tell a story
(Cant.) 故手gu2 sau2
(Eng.) (usually online) storyteller; writer of a story
(Cant.) tim4gu2
(Eng.) porn story
(Cant.) dyun2gu2
(Eng.) short story
(Cant.) fo1waan6gu2
(Eng.) sci-fi
(Cant.) 講開有段故gong2 hoi1 jau5 dyun6 gu2
(Eng.) It is a long story that ...; legend has it
See also: 故仔 樓層 故事
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gu3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • past; old; former
    (Cant.) 故居gu3 geoi1
    (Eng.) former residence
    (Cant.) 故紙堆gu3 zi2 deoi1
    (Eng.) a pile of old books and paper materials
    (Cant.) 故態復萌gu3 taai3 fuk6 mang4
    (Eng.) to revert to old manners
    (Cant.) 故技重施gu3 gei6 cung4 si1
    (Eng.) to repeat a trick or strategy
    (Cant.) 一見如故jat1 gin3 jyu4 gu3
    (Eng.) to feel like old friends even at the first encounter

  • late; dead
    (Cant.) 故友gu3 jau5
    (Eng.) a late friend
    (Cant.) 已故ji5 gu3
    (Eng.) late

  • reason; cause; the start of all things
    (Cant.) 緣故jyu4 gu3
    (Eng.) reason
    (Cant.) 無緣無故mou4 jyu4 mou4 gu3
    (Eng.) without any (proper) reason

  • to intend
    (Cant.) 故意gu3 ji3
    (Eng.) deliberately; intentionally; on purpose (carries a negative connotation)
    (Cant.) 故弄玄虛gu3 lung6 jyun4 heoi1
    (Eng.) to deliberately mystify

  • incident
    (Cant.) 事故si6 gu3
    (Eng.) incident
    (Cant.) 故障gu3 zoeng3
    (Eng.) (of machines) breakdown

See also: 過去 古舊 年老 前者 前度 前任 後期 死路 死人 死者
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: gu3
Part of Speech: conjunction
Labels: Mandarin
therefore; hence
(Cant.) ngo5si1gu3ngo5zoi6
(Eng.) I think therefore I am
(Chi.) zi1liu2bing6fei1faat3leot6ji3gin3gu3bat1jing1ji5ci2si6zi1
(Cant.) di1zi1liu2bing6m4hai6faat3leot6ji3gin3so2ji5m4jing1goi1gam2joeng2hon1doi6
(Eng.) The information provided are not legal advice and should not be considered as such.
Synonym: Synonym: 故此
See also: 因此 因而 進而 於是 故此 從而
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