
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing3 ging1
Character Meaning:
upright; good; enjoyable; precise; exact; accurate; correct; right; formal; chief; really; indeed; regular (polygon); positive
to pass through; pass thru; Scripture ((religious Book)); via; to pass by; book; menstruation
Part of Speech: adjective
  • serious; things of importance; formal
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6king1gan2zing3ging1je5
    (Eng.) We are discussing a serious topic.
    (Cant.) m4hou2waan2laa3zing3ging1di1gong2laa1ni1go3man6tai4hou2jim4zung6gaa3
    (Eng.) Be serious please. This is a critical issue.

  • decent; proper
    (Cant.) nei5zeoi3hou2m4hou2kwan4gam3do1go2di1m4zing3ging1ge3pang4jau5laa3
    (Eng.) You'd better not to be involved with those unscrupulous people.

See also: 嚴重 嚴 嚴 莊重 逝世 正式 正規 一般 大方 正派 好好睇睇 恰當 適當 正確 吃力不討好 好好先生 慢條斯理 故作高深 正人君子 正氣凜然 漫不經心 無厘頭 老老實實 裝模作樣 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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