
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing3 jyu4
Character Meaning:
upright; good; enjoyable; precise; exact; accurate; correct; right; formal; chief; really; indeed; regular (polygon); positive
for example; in case of; in event of; like; as if; for instance; such as
Part of Speech: conjunction
just as; exactly; equally
(Cant.) zing3jyu4nei5so2gong2duk6syu1m4hai6zing6hai6wai6zo2haau2si5hap6gaak3ge3
(Eng.) Just as you said, studying is not merely for passing the examinations.
(Cant.) si6cing4ge3faat3zin2zing3jyu4ngo5so2liu6
(Eng.) Things turned out just as I expected.
See also: 就係 就是 究 直程 啱啱 相等 等如 平均 一如 事實上 儘管 如同 毫無疑問 無可否認 無論如何 眾所周知 簡而言之 誠然 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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