
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caa4 sat6
Character Meaning:
check; to check; to examine; to inspect; to investigate; to look into
solid; firm; reality; fact; truth; practical; realistic; tight; hard to move; stable; full inside; not hollow; hard; substantial; certainly; actually; in fact; in practice
Part of Speech: adverb
in fact; honestly; frankly; actually
(Cant.) caa4sat6ngo5m4hai6hou2zung1ji3keoi5gaa3zaa3
(Eng.) Frankly speaking, I don't really like him.
Synonym: Synonym: 其實
See also: 實際上 事實上 有嗰句講嗰句 實話實説 如實 究竟 事實上 平心而論 捉蟲入屎忽 此地無銀三百兩 無可否認 眾所周知 英雄所見略同 言人人殊 雖則 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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