
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ming4 long5
Character Meaning:
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
light; bright
Part of Speech: adjective
  • (of the sky) bright; well-lit; under thin cloud cover with occasional sunshine
    (Cant.) jat6gaan1tin1sik1ming4long5
    (Eng.) There were bright periods during the day.

  • clear; obvious
    (Cant.) bat1ming4long5jan1sou3
    (Eng.) uncertain factors; uncertainty
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1gin6si6dou1ming4long5lo3m4sai2daam1sam1
    (Eng.) The matter is clear right now, (so) you don't need to worry.
    (Cant.) ngo5jing6wai4ngo5dei6zeoi3hou2dou1hai6dang2zing2tai2guk6sai3gang3wai4ming4long5zi1hau6zoi3zok3kyut3ding6
    (Eng.) I think we should hang fire until the general situation becomes clearer.

See also: 一片光明 明亮 鮮明 光明 亮 光猛 燈火通明 騰 晴 出面 明白 彰 明顯 出樣 偃旗息鼓 利淡 塵埃落定 急轉直下 撲朔迷離 明瞭 波譎雲詭 舉棋不定 變幻莫測 陰晴不定 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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