
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceot1 min2
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
Part of Speech: verb
to appear personally; to act in one's own capacity, usually using their social status to facilitate something; literally: to go out to the surface
(Cant.) lou5sai3ceot1min2hoeng3daai6gaa1gaai2sik1gaam2san1ge3jyun4jan1
(Eng.) Our boss appeared personally and explained to us the reasons for the salary cuts.
(Cant.) dim2gaai2nei5m4zi6gei2ceot1min2zoeng1gin6si6gong2cing1co2ne1
(Eng.) Why don't you personally clarify this incident?
See also: 出邊 加把口 唔湯唔水 大模斯樣 好來好去 好食懶飛 油頭粉面 綢緞 老老實實 蓬頭垢面 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: ceot1 min2
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
Part of Speech: adjective
(of acts and their motives) obvious; overt
(Cant.) nei5zou6dak1gam3ceot1min2hai6jan4dou1zi1nei5m4zung1ji3keoi5laa1
(Eng.) It was very obvious from your behavior that you didn't like her.
Synonym: Synonym: 出樣
See also: 明白 彰 明顯 出樣 露骨 出邊 加把口 唔湯唔水 大模斯樣 好來好去 好食懶飛 油頭粉面 綢緞 老老實實 蓬頭垢面 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License

「出面 / 出便」

Entry #3
  • 出面 ceot1 min6
  • 出便 ceot1 bin6
  • 出邊 ceot1 bin6
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
Part of Speech: noun
(Cant.) ceot1min6hou2daai6jyu5ngo5gam1jat6m4soeng2ceot1mun4hau2
(Eng.) The rain is heavy; I don't want to go outside.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 入邊
See also: 外界 外面 外人 出邊 加把口 唔湯唔水 大模斯樣 好來好去 好食懶飛 油頭粉面 綢緞 老老實實 蓬頭垢面 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License