
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cang4
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • storey; floor; level, deck
    (Cant.) soeng1cang4baa1si2
    (Eng.) double-decker bus
    (Cant.) hou2gui6ngo5haang4zo2sei3cang4lau4tai1
    (Eng.) I'm so tired! I just walked up four flights of stairs.

  • the measure word for an apartment or flat; when used this way, it usually does not refer to the whole floor of a building, but rather only a single apartment unit
    (Cant.) keoi5soeng6go3jyut6zoeng1cang4lau2maai6zo2
    (Eng.) She sold her flat last month.

  • layer; level
    (Cant.) zoeng1toi2pou1zo2jat1cang4fui1
    (Eng.) The desk is covered with a layer of dust.

  • measure word for intangible thoughts
    (Cant.) tung4keoi5git3fan1ge3waa2ngo5zau6jiu3tung4aa3baa4aa3maa1tyun5zyut6gwaan1hai6ni1cang4ngo5nam2zo2hou2noi6
    (Eng.) To marry him, I would have to disown my parents; this is something that I have given much thought.
    (Cant.) keoi5dei6waa6on1min4joek6sik6dak1do1wui5soeng5jan5ni1cang4ngo5dou1zi1daan6hai6ngo5m4soeng2ling6dou3zi6gei2gam3san1fu2
    (Eng.) They say you can get addicted to sleeping pills with incremental dosage. I know that already, but I just don't want to suffer anymore!

See also: 故仔 樓層 故事 底層 地下 樓面 字樓 平整 鏟平 層面 浸 下層
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