
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau2 siu3
Character Meaning:
to do; to arrange; to manage; to harass; to disturb
to laugh; to smile; to ridicule; to laugh at
Part of Speech: adjective
  • funny
    (Cant.) go3siu2cau2hou2gaau2siu3
    (Eng.) That clown is funny!
    (Cant.) gaau2siu3dou3ngo5soeng2tai2do1ci3keoi5ge3biu2jin2
    (Eng.) The performance was so funny that it makes me want to watch it again!

  • laughable; weird; nonsensical; goofy; bizarre
    (Cant.) mat1nei5gam3gaau2siu3gaa3ming4ming4waa6m4zung1ji3zau2zo2zi1hau6jau6jiu3maai5
    (Eng.) You're so inconsistent! You just told me you didn't like it, but after you left, you want to buy it!

See also: 好笑 好玩 卡通 生鬼 滑稽 可笑 荒唐 光怪陸離 怪誕 邪 怪雞 不知所謂 無厘頭尻 不明所以 唔清唔楚 串嘴 好笑 搞鬼 無厘頭 笑哈哈 詼諧 趣怪 騎呢 鬼馬 黑色幽默 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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