
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaa1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to hold; to grasp
    (Cant.) bong1ngo5zaa1zyu6go3doi2sin1
    (Eng.) Please hold my bag for me for a while.
    (Cant.) co5siu2baa1go2zan2gei3dak1zaa1sat6go3fu4sau2aa3
    (Eng.) Remember to hold the handrail tightly when you are on a minibus.

  • to squeeze
    (Cant.) zoeng1dung1gu1zam3jyun5sin1zoi3zaa1gon1seoi2
    (Eng.) First soak the mushroom in water, then squeeze out the water.

  • to own; to possess; to have in possession
    (Cant.) ngo5zaa1zyu6gei2baak3maan6jin6gam1m4zi1hai6mai6jing1goi1jap6si5
    (Eng.) I have several millions in cash, and I am not sure if I should start investing in the stock / property market.

  • to operate a vehicle
    (Cant.) zaa1fei1gei1
    (Eng.) to fly a plane
    (Cant.) ngo5mui5ziu1zaa1ce1faan1gung1
    (Eng.) I drive to work every morning.

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 持有 收歸 具備 具 拿 領悟 刮 逼 壓榨 搾
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