
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau2
Part of Speech: noun
hand; forelimb; can also refers to various parts of the forelimb, eg. arm, wrist, palm, finger (measure word: 隻 / 對)
(Cant.) zo2sau2
(Eng.) left hand
(Cant.) jau6sau2
(Eng.) right hand
(Cant.) 手上sau2 soeng6
(Eng.) in one's hand
(Cant.) soeng1sau2
(Eng.) both hands
(Cant.) nei5zek3sau2hou2sap1m4hou2dim3ngo5
(Eng.) Your hand is wet. Don't touch me.
(Cant.) ngo5gam1jat6ling1zo2hou2do1cung5je5deoi3sau2hou2gui6
(Eng.) I've been carrying some heavy stuff today and my arms are tired.
(Cant.) ji1sang1hai2ngo5zo2sau2dou6daa2zo2jat1zam1
(Eng.) The doctor gave me a shot in my left arm.
(Cant.) ngo5sau2soeng6min6jau5tiu4cung4
(Eng.) Here is a worm on my hand.
(Cant.) seon3zung3hap6sap6soeng1sau2baai3san4
(Eng.) Believers put their palms together for worship.
See also: 手掌 五姑娘
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: sau2
Part of Speech: quantifier
  • qualifier for handwriting, penmanship, etc.
    (Cant.) jat1sau2hou2zi6
    (Eng.) good handwriting
    (Cant.) keoi5sau2zi6hou2leng3
    (Eng.) His handwriting is really beautiful.

  • lot; the smallest unit that can be traded on a financial exchange
    (Cant.) jat1sau2gu2piu3
    (Eng.) one lot of shares

  • cooking skills or driving skills
    (Cant.) keoi5sau2ce1m4co3
    (Eng.) He can drive quite well.

  • hand (of mahjong, card games, etc.)
    (Cant.) keoi5zaa1zyu6jat1sau2hou2paai2ging2jin4dou1jeng4m4dou2
    (Eng.) He held a good hand, but surprisingly was unable to win the game.
    (Cant.) ngo5jat1hoi1ci2zau6ji5ging1seng4sau2maan6zi2hou2faai3zau6sik6zo2wu2
    (Eng.) I held a lot of character tiles at the beginning, and I won the round quite quickly.

See also: 際遇 手掌 五姑娘
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: sau2
Part of Speech: affix
suffix indicating a person who performs a specified action or activity
(Cant.) 寫手se2 sau2
(Eng.) writer
(Cant.) 單車手daan1 ce1 sau2
(Eng.) cyclist
(Cant.) 賽車手coi3 ce1 sau2
(Eng.) racing driver
(Cant.) 樂手ngok6 sau2
(Eng.) musician
(Cant.) 歌手go1 sau2
(Eng.) singer
(Cant.) 選手syun2 sau2
(Eng.) contestant
(Cant.) 兇手hung1 sau2
(Eng.) murderer
(Cant.) 殺手saat3 sau2
(Eng.) killer; hitman
(Cant.) 打手daa2 sau2
(Eng.) fighter; shill
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License