
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau6
Part of Speech: adjective
  • right (direction); it is more common to use 右面 (jau6 min6) to state the position of an object
    (Cant.) #右手jau6 sau2
    (Eng.) right hand
    (Cant.) #右腳jau6 goek3
    (Eng.) right foot; right leg
    (Cant.) jau6ngaan5
    (Eng.) right eye
    (Cant.) jau6ji5
    (Eng.) right ear
    (Cant.) 右軚jau6 taai5
    (Eng.) right-hand drive car (left-hand traffic)
    (Cant.) 右㕭jau6 jaau1
    (Eng.) right-handed
    (Cant.) jau6sing1dou6
    (Eng.) right audio channel
    (Cant.) jau6pin1teng1
    (Eng.) right side hall
    (Cant.) jau6haa6gok3
    (Eng.) bottom right corner
    (Cant.) 右上左落jau6 soeng5 zo2 lok6
    (Eng.) right lane for ascending, left lane for descending
    (Cant.) 左右開弓zo2 jau6 hoi1 gung1
    (Eng.) to do something with both left and right arms (or legs) consecutively
    (Cant.) keoi5kei5dak1jau6gwo3ngo5
    (Eng.) He is standing at a more right position than me.

  • political right
    (Cant.) 右派jau6 paai3
    (Eng.) right-wing
    (Cant.) 右傾jau6 king1
    (Eng.) politically right-leaning
    (Cant.) 右膠jau6 gaau1
    (Eng.) "rightard"
    (Cant.) aa3fai1zing3zi6laap6coeng4bei2gaau3jau6
    (Eng.) Ah-Fai's political stance is relatively right-leaning.

Synonym: Synonym: 右便 右邊 右面
Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 右派 權 正確
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