
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sing4 wai4
Character Meaning:
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
to act as; to be; in order to; to become; for; for the sake of; for the purpose of; because of; to do; to practice; to act
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to become; to turn into
(Cant.) keoi5zung1jyu1sing4wai4zo2gaau3si1
(Eng.) He has finally become a teacher.
See also: 發 化為 變做 進入 作為 化為 反為 成為 淪為 稱之為 脱穎而出 變成 頓成 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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