
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dai2
Part of Speech: noun
  • bottom; base
    (Cant.) hoi2dai2
    (Eng.) bottom of the sea; sea bed
    (Cant.) 餅底beng2 dai2
    (Eng.) bottom of a cake
    (Cant.) 底部dai2 bou6
    (Eng.) base; bottom
    (Cant.) 底層dai2 cang4
    (Eng.) base; ground floor
    (Cant.) 摸酒杯底mo2 zau2 bui1 dai2
    (Eng.) to have a drink (alcohol); literally: to touch the bottom of the wine glass
    (Cant.) ni1go3ci4sam1dou3deoi3goek3dou1dim3m4dou2dai2m4hai6gam3sik1hap6jau4seoi2
    (Eng.) This pool is too deep for swimming—my feet can't touch the bottom.

  • background; ground
    (Cant.) baak6dai2haak1zi6
    (Eng.) black words on a white background
    (Cant.) jat1tiu4laam4dai2baak6dim2ge3kwan4
    (Eng.) a skirt with white dots on a blue background

  • copy (measure word: 份 / 個)
    (Cant.) nei5zeoi3hou2lau4faan1go3dai2
    (Eng.) You'd better keep a copy of the original.

  • lower undergarments; underpants (measure word: 條)
    (Cant.) jan4dei6waa6zoek3hung4dai2wui5hou2wan6di1gaa3
    (Eng.) They say wearing red underpants brings good luck.
    (Cant.) keoi5mau1dai1go2zan6si2露底lou6 dai2aa3
    (Eng.) He accidentally revealed his underpants when he squatted.

  • grounding; foundation
    (Cant.) sou3dai2
    (Eng.) foundation in math
    (Cant.) 底薪dai2 san1
    (Eng.) basic salary
    (Cant.) keoi5jing1man2go3dai2daa2dak1hou2hou2
    (Eng.) She has a good foundation in English.

  • background information
    (Cant.) 底細dai2 sai3
    (Eng.) someone's background
    (Cant.) 起底hei2 dai2
    (Eng.) to check up on someone's background
    (Cant.) baan1hong4gaa1zung6mo2gan2ni1gaan1san1mong5mui4gau3ging2me1dai2
    (Eng.) Industry insiders are still checking out the background of this new online media.
    (Cant.) nei5zeoi3hou2caa4jat1caa4keoi5go3dai2ngo5teng1gong2keoi5ji5cin4co5gwo3gei2nin4gaam1
    (Eng.) You'd better check his background - I heard that he's spent a couple of years in prison.

  • someone's properties and characteristics
    (Cant.) 肥底fei4 dai2
    (Eng.) a tendency to accumulate fat
    (Cant.) 燥底cou3 dai2
    (Eng.) bad-tempered
    (Cant.) 淫底jam4 dai2
    (Eng.) concupiscent; libidinous
    (Cant.) friend底fen1 dai2
    (Eng.) in a friendly relationship; in a companionship
    (Cant.) gwaai1dai2ge3jan4jai1gik6dou1jai1m4ceot1joeng2
    (Eng.) People who are inherently good-hearted have a hard time being unkind.

See also: 籮 篤 末端 底部 下游 基地 基本盤 基礎 根本 來頭 來歷 背景 高地 地下 理由 遵命 冊 仿 仿製
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: dai2
Part of Speech: quantifier
a large container of cakes or eggs
(Cant.) jat1dai2nin4gou1
(Eng.) a large container of new year cake
(Cant.) jat1dai2gai1daan6zai2
(Eng.) a pack of egg waffles
(Cant.) jat1dai2gai1daan230saam1 sap6zek3taai3do1ngo5tung1soeng4dou1hai6maai5bun3dai2
(Eng.) A pack of egg contains 30 eggs, which is too much for me. I usually buy only half a pack.
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: dai2
Part of Speech: affix
end of a year or month
(Cant.) luk6jyut6dai2
(Eng.) the end of June
(Cant.) nin4dai2
(Eng.) the end of a year
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