
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ping4 soeng4
Character Meaning:
cheap; flat; at a low price; at a bargain price; level; even
often; frequently; usually; regular; usual; habitual; frequent; constant; invariable; common; ordinary; normal; standard
Part of Speech: adjective
ordinary; usual; common
(Cant.) ni1di1si6hou2ping4soeng4ze1m4使sai2daai6geng1siu2gwaai3
(Eng.) These things are very commonplace, so you don't need to make such a big fuss about it.
(Cant.) ping4soeng4jan4dou1wui5gam2zou6
(Eng.) Normal people will do this.
See also: common 平凡 不足為奇 尋常 一般 共同 普通 一般來説 喜怒無常 家常便飯 平日 平時 平素 往常 感覺上 有時候 閒話家常 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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