
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zau6 syun3
Character Meaning:
as a result; in light of; with regard to; in this/that regard; to accommodate; to yield to; to give in; to acquiesce; to succeed; to complete; close; near; to tend to; arrive; to do; almost; soon; precisely; exactly; right after; immediately after; then
calculate; nevermind; to tally; to analyze; to let it be; to let it pass; to forget it; to be counted as; to be regarded
Part of Speech: conjunction
even if; granted that
(Cant.) zau6syun3nei5daap3dik1si2nei5dou1sat6gon2m4cit3gaa3fei1gei1gaa3laa1
(Eng.) Even if you take a taxi, you'll still miss your plane.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6go3lou5baan2gam3gu1hon4gung1si1zau6syun3zaan6cin2dou1m4fan1faa1hung4gaa3
(Eng.) Our boss is very mean, even if the company makes a profit, it won't pay any bonus.
Synonym: Synonym: 即使
See also: 儘管 縱然 即使 唔理點 發放 予 贈予 不過 其實 即使 反正 只不過 基本上 如果 所以 既然 起碼 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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