
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ding6
Part of Speech: adjective
  • stable; firm; steady
    (Cant.) nei5zaa1zyu6bou6soeng2gei1ge3si4hau6zek3sau2jiu3ding6di1
    (Eng.) Keep your hands steady when holding a camera.

  • calm
    (Cant.) 定落嚟ding6 lok6 lai4
    (Eng.) to settle down; to become stable
    (Cant.) nei5tung4ngo5ding6
    (Eng.) Stay calm!
    (Cant.) ding6di1lai4mou5si6ge3
    (Eng.) Keep calm, it'll be okay.

  • fixed; stable
    (Cant.) 定息ding6 sik1
    (Eng.) fixed interest rate
    (Cant.) 定時定候ding6 si4 ding6 hau6
    (Eng.) regularly

See also: 沙沙滾 安定 固定 剛強 firm 四平八穩 穩健 安穩 穩重 穩 鎮 平息 沉着 確定 修理 維修 調校 定下
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: ding6
Part of Speech: conjunction
or (only used in a question indicating options)
(Cant.) nei5zung1ji3sik6zyu1juk6ding6ngau4juk6
(Eng.) Which do you prefer, beef or pork?
(Cant.) bui1naai5caa4jiu3jit6ding6dung3
(Eng.) Would you like your milk tea hot or cold?
(Cant.) heoi3ding6m4heoi3gaa3nei5
(Eng.) Are you going or not?
Synonym: Synonym: 定係
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: ding6
Part of Speech: adverb
to do sth. in advance, earlier than the required time
(Cant.) 整定zing2 ding6
(Eng.) to be arranged in advance; to be predestined
(Cant.) sing1zai2ning4jyun2zou6ding6ting1jat6di1gung1fo3dang2ting1jat6jau5dak1waan2noi6di1
(Eng.) Little Sing would rather do tomorrow's homework in advance, so that he can play longer tomorrow.
(Cant.) wai6zo2gei3dai1nei5gong2ge3je5ngo5ji5ging1zeon2bei6ding6zi2bat1ceoi4si4ho2ji5hoi1ci2
(Eng.) To mark down what you are going to say, I've prepared the paper and pen. You can start anytime.
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #4
Pronunciation: ding6
Part of Speech: verb
to set; to make a decision
(Cant.) ding6zo2jat6zi2mei6
(Eng.) Has the date been fixed?
(Cant.) ding6zo2haa6go3sing1kei4jat6baat3dim2sik6faan6
(Eng.) We decided to have dinner next Sunday at 8pm.
See also: 確定 定下 揸主意 判 掌舵 拍板
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License