
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gun1
Part of Speech: noun
  • government official (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) 官員gun1 jyun4
    (Eng.) government official
    (Cant.) 官僚gun1 liu4
    (Eng.) bureaucrat
    (Cant.) 高官gou1 gun1
    (Eng.) high ranking government official
    (Cant.) 清官cing1 gun1
    (Eng.) honest and uncorrupted government official
    (Cant.) gun1soeng1ngau1git3
    (Eng.) official-merchant collusion
    (Cant.) #官字兩個口gun1 zi6 loeng5 go3 hau2
    (Eng.) government officer double talk
    (Cant.) 畀個官你做bei2 go3 gun1 nei5 zou6
    (Eng.) do it when you work for the government

  • government
    (Cant.) 官立gun1 laap6
    (Eng.) government-built
    (Cant.) 官地gun1 dei6
    (Eng.) government-owned land
    (Cant.) gun1gaa1ge3cin2
    (Eng.) government money

  • judge; judicial officer (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) jau5mat1je5tung4go3gun1gong2
    (Eng.) If you have anything to say, save it for the judge.

See also: 管治 宰 評 裁決 評審 衡量 法令 司法
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gun1
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
a surname, usually transliterated as "Koon"
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License