
Entry #1
Pronunciation: on1 zong1
Character Meaning:
safe; settle; to install; to fabricate; peaceful; stable; at ease; to be satisfied; to feel contented; ounce
pretend; to clothe; to carry; to contain; to hold; to pretend; to peek; to install; to set (someone) up; equipment
Part of Speech: verb
  • to install (equipment, machinery, etc.)
    (Cant.) on1zong1wai6sing1din6si6
    (Eng.) to install satellite television

  • to install (software)
    (Cant.) on1zong1fong4duk6jyun5gin2
    (Eng.) to install anti-virus software

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 設置 裝 分期 上裝 加設 更換 架設 添置 裝嵌 裝設 設置 購置 電子鎖 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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