
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dei6
Part of Speech: noun
  • ground; land; field (measure word: 塊)
    (Cant.) 土地tou2 dei6
    (Eng.) land
    (Cant.) 農地nung4 dei6
    (Eng.) farmland; agricultural land
    (Cant.) 盆地pun4 dei6
    (Eng.) (geographical) basin; depression
    (Cant.) go2go3hai2gaau1tung1ji3ngoi6sau6soeng1ge3naam4jan2fan3zo2hai2dei6dou6
    (Eng.) The man who was injured in the traffic accident was lying on the ground.
    (Cant.) ji5ging1mou5lok6jyu5gei2go3jyut6laa3so2ji5faai3dei6hou2gon1
    (Eng.) It hasn't rained for several months, so the ground is dry.

  • floor (measure word: 笪 / 地)
    (Cant.) 地板dei6 baan2
    (Eng.) floorboard
    (Cant.) cyu4fong2daat3dei6hou2wu1zou1jiu3maat3haa5sin1zi3dak1
    (Eng.) The kitchen floor is very dirty. It needs a good sweep.

  • place; locality; area
    (Cant.) 地區dei6 keoi1
    (Eng.) region
    (Cant.) 各地gok3 dei6
    (Eng.) various places

See also: 高地 地下 理由 著陸 登陸 空降 降落 田野 野 田園 底層 樓面 字樓 置 名次
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: dei2
Part of Speech: affix
land (as the final syllable)
(Cant.) 草地cou2 dei2
(Eng.) grassland
(Cant.) 波地bo1 dei2
(Eng.) football field
(Cant.) laam4dei2
(Eng.) Lam Tei, Tuen Mun
(Cant.) fu2dei2
(Eng.) Fu Tei, Tuen Mun
(Cant.) fung6dei2
(Eng.) Fung Tei, Tuen Mun
(Cant.) lin4faa1dei2
(Eng.) Lin Fa Tei, Yuen Long
(Cant.) 雞地gai1 dei2
(Eng.) Kai Tei (near Yuen Long town centre)
(Cant.) 油麻地jau4 maa4 dei2
(Eng.) Yau Ma Tei
(Cant.) 跑馬地paau2 maa5 dei2
(Eng.) Happy Valley
(Cant.) san1tin4dei2
(Eng.) newly reclaimed land
(Cant.) 大笪地daai6 daat3 dei2
(Eng.) commoners' night club, a kind of open space
(Cant.) 香港地hoeng1 gong2 dei2
(Eng.) a colloquial address for Hong Kong
(Cant.) 西sai1gwaan1dei2
(Eng.) a colloquial address for Xiguan, forming most of Liwan District of Canton; literally: land (beyond) the western gate
See also: 著陸 登陸 空降 降落 大地
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: dei6
Part of Speech: affix
Labels: Mandarin
used postpositionally to form an adverbial phrase that then modifies the following verb or adjective
(Chi.) jau5muk6dik1dei6zeon3hang4
(Cant.) jau5muk6dik1gam2zeon3hang4
(Eng.) to do something on purpose
(Chi.) taa1zoi6maan6maan6dei6zau2
(Cant.) keoi5hai2dou6maan6maan2gam2haang4
(Eng.) He is walking slowly.
Synonym: Synonym:
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