
Entry #1
Pronunciation: au2 din6
Character Meaning:
to vomit; to throw up; to puke
electricity; battery; telephone; telegram; telegraph
Part of Speech: adjective
annoying; irritating; dreadful; literally: to vomit electricity
(Cant.) ngo5gong2gik6keoi5dou1m4ming4zan1hai6au2din6
(Eng.) No matter how much I explained, he didn't understand. I'm so frustrated with him.
(Cant.) siu1fai3gyun3di1on1paai4taai3fuk1zaap6ging6au2din6lo1
(Eng.) The arrangement of consumption vouchers is too complicated. I get so annoyed.
Synonym: Synonym: 嘔血
See also: 滋擾 冤 摟屌 刺激 刺 激死 激氣 忟憎 忌憚 恐 懼怕 上吐下瀉 大電 廢寢忘食 抽油煙機 擾人清夢 烏燈黑火 直流電 細電 電動牙刷 頭暈眼花 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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