
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau1 tai3
Character Meaning:
hand in; to hand in; to submit; to pay; to cross; to intersect; argument; fight
help((someone to do something)); for; in the interest of; to substitute; to replace
Part of Speech: verb
to take over; to replace; to change
(Cant.) zau3je6gaau1tai3
(Eng.) alternation of day and night
(Cant.) jan4si6gaau1tai3
(Eng.) change of personnel
(Cant.) gwai3zit3gaau1tai3
(Eng.) transition of seasons
(Cant.) jau4jat1gaang1gaau1tai3dou3haa6jat1gaan1
(Eng.) to change shifts
(Cant.) gung1si1zing3zik6san1gau6gaau1tai3ge3gaai1dyun6
(Eng.) The company is at a stage of new employees replacing the old ones.
Synonym: Synonym: 更替
See also: 代替 改換 取代 交媾 交錯 合而為一 承上啓下 更替 水乳交融 環環相扣 縱橫交錯 融為一體 變化多端 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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