
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mong4
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to die; to doom
    (Cant.) 亡魂mong4 wan4
    (Eng.) ghost; spirit
    (Cant.) 傷亡soeng1 mong4
    (Eng.) injuries and deaths
    (Cant.) sang1sei2cyun4mong4
    (Eng.) life and death

  • to destroy
    (Cant.) 滅亡mit6 mong4
    (Eng.) to become extinct; to die out; to perish
    (Cant.) 亡國mong4 gwok3
    (Eng.) (of states) to fall; to perish; to be subjugated; to be conquered

  • to escape
    (Cant.) 逃亡tou4 mong4
    (Eng.) to flee

  • to lose
    (Cant.) 亡羊補牢mong4 joeng4 bou2 nou4
    (Eng.) to fix something after it had failed; literally: to fix the fences after goats disappearing

See also: 逝世 去世 死 銷 破壞 掃 朽 逃 趯路 逃出 泄漏 損失 丟失 失 唔見 失去
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