「不得了 / 不得之了」

Entry #1
  • 不得了 bat1 dak1 liu5
  • 不得之了 bat1 dak1 zi1 liu5
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
okay; to get; only have; (suffix); advantage; gain; to equal to; to receive; to calculate; to compute; to only have; acceptable; can; able to; great; good; to have even done; to stay still
already; to settle; to bring to an end; then
Part of Speech: adjective
(Cant.) keoi5go3neoi2coeng3go1hou2teng1dou3bat1dak1liu5
(Eng.) His daughter sings exceptionally well.
(Cant.) ni1tou3kek6zan1hai6bat1dak1liu5laa3jau5gwok3zai3daai6ming4sing1aa3cung4zou6zyu2gok3
(Eng.) This drama is fabulous, the international famous star A-chung will be the protagonist!
(Cant.) keoi5gam1maan5leng3dou3bat1dak1zi1liu5
(Eng.) She's stunningly pretty tonight.
See also: 特殊 特 例外 出類拔萃 不出所料 不可思議 不在話下 不堪入目 不堪入耳 不知所謂 不能自已 欲罷不能 無以復加 無話可説 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: bat1 dak1 liu5
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
okay; to get; only have; (suffix); advantage; gain; to equal to; to receive; to calculate; to compute; to only have; acceptable; can; able to; great; good; to have even done; to stay still
already; to settle; to bring to an end; then
Part of Speech: adjective
awful; terrible; serious
(Cant.) nei1gin6si6bei2keoi5zi1dou3zau6bat1dak1liu5laa3
(Eng.) It would be disastrous if he found out.
(Cant.) bat1dak1liu5laa3go3beng6jan4m4gin3zo2aa3
(Eng.) Oh no, the patient has disappeared!
See also: 難聽 折服 可怕 乞人憎 糟糕 惡劣 得人驚 嚴重 正經 嚴 嚴 莊重 不出所料 不可思議 不在話下 不堪入目 不堪入耳 不知所謂 不能自已 欲罷不能 無以復加 無話可説 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License