
Entry #1
Pronunciation: leng1 mou4
Character Meaning:
𡃁 young; an underling
mould; pattern; matrix; model; example
Part of Speech: noun
pseudo-model; usually refers to a "model" who has not gone through any formal process of selection and training and thus is not considered a true model in Hong Kong; literally "young model" (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) zau1sau3naa4pang4zyu6keoi5ge3mo1gwai2san1coi4sing4gung1dat6wai4sing4wai4gan6nin4zeoi3sing4gung1ge3𡃁leng1mou4
(Eng.) Thanks to her awesome figure, Chrissie Chau has become the most successful of the pseudo-models for the past few years.
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