
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haak1 dim2 hak1 dim2
Character Meaning:
black; dark; unfortunate; unlucky; triad
dot; how; o'clock; drop; spot; speck; extent; degree; aspect; characteristic; attribute; decimal point; decimal comma; item; thing; in what way; in what manner; whatever; however; to count one by one; to dip
Part of Speech: noun
  • black spot; stain; blemish; smirch (measure word: 個)

  • blackspot; place where bad events or disasters tend to occur frequently (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) gaau1tung1haak1dim2
    (Eng.) traffic black-spot
    (Cant.) seoi2zam3haak1dim2
    (Eng.) flooding black spots
    (Cant.) siu2faan2hak1dim2
    (Eng.) hawker blackspot

See also: 污漬 漬 污點 烙印 瑕疵 凸點 垃圾站 垃圾蟲 安全島 平行四邊形 捕獸器 排泄物 線眼 花灑頭 青光眼 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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