
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gou1 bat1 sing4 dai1 bat1 zau6
Character Meaning:
tall; height; elevated; high in magnitude; (of age) old
no; negator; not
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
low; (of quantity) low; down; added after a verb
no; negator; not
as a result; in light of; with regard to; in this/that regard; to accommodate; to yield to; to give in; to acquiesce; to succeed; to complete; close; near; to tend to; arrive; to do; almost; soon; precisely; exactly; right after; immediately after; then
Part of Speech: expression
to be unfit for a higher post or a better romantic date, but unwilling to take a lower one
(Cant.) nei5go3jan4jau6m4hai6hou2hou2tiu4gin2zoi3hai6gam2joeng2gou1bat1sing4dai1bat1zau6ge3waa2nei5wan2m4dou2neoi5pang4jau5gaa3laa3
(Eng.) You are not that attractive. If you keep looking down on the ordinary girls and chasing for the goddess, you can't get a girlfriend.
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