
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tai2 gaak3
Character Meaning:
body; physical structure; format; layout; template; state of substance
case; check; trellis; standard; format; to compete; to fight; to contest; character; personality; to count boxes
Part of Speech: noun
physique; build; health
(Cant.) koeng4zong3tai2gaak3
(Eng.) strong physique
(Cant.) tai2gaak3caak1loeng4jau1faa3gai3waak6zi2zoi6teoi1gwong2loeng4dok6san1gou1tai2cung5ge3biu1zeon2fong1faat3ji5kap6tai4gou1gaa1zoeng2deoi3zi2neoi5tai2gaak3zong6fong3ge3gwaan1zyu3
(Eng.) The "Physical Measurement Enhancement Pilot Project" aims to promote using standardised methods to measure height and weight; and to heighten parents' awareness of their children's physical health status.
See also: 筋骨 體型 體魄 身材 身體 身子 樓宇 屋宇 房屋 建築物 樓房 健壯 精壯 體態 體毛 體温 體能 體脂 體質 體魄 高佻 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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