
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ke4 ngau4 wan2 maa5
Character Meaning:
to ride
cow; cattle
to find; to search; to look for; to contact a person; to earn money
horse; Tin Hau; marathon
Variants: Variants: 騎牛
Part of Speech: verb
to hold on to something unsatisfactory (usually a job or a romantic relationship) while seeking a better alternative; literally: to look for a horse while riding on an ox
(Cant.) ni1fan6gung1ngo5m4hai6gam3zung1ji3bat1gwo3dong3hai6ke4ngau4wan2maa5zou6zyu6sin1laa1
(Eng.) I don't like this job that much, but I'll hold onto it until I get a better one.
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